House Of Dogs Professional Grooming
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    Dog Grooming FAIL

    I booked an appointment for my Old English Sheepdog more than 2 weeks ago. This morning, I dropped her off and the staff assured me that they could cut the knots out from her neck and give her a trim/cleanup. More than 6 hours later, I phoned, dog was not ready. In fact, the owner got on the phone to give me a tongue lashing, saying I should be grooming my dog more often, they hadn't washed the dog, they suggested shaving her down and THERE WERE 15 DOGS IN THE SHOP TODAY SO MINE HAD TO TAKE A BACKSEAT! I immediately went to pick my OES only to be met by the owner herself and yet ANOTHER LECTURE! She said that the SPCA could seize my dog if they saw the condition she's in. As someone that used to work for the SPCA, I can pretty much guarantee that they would not seize a dog for a handful of mats on a dog's neck. When I took my sheepdog outdoors, she immediately peed on the sidewalk for a very long time. I can only deduce that she was not brought outside for the 7 hours she was in their care. She also drank a full of water upon returning home, once again, I assume proper care was not given. I find it disgraceful and unprofessional of the owner to not only give one lecture, but two and blame me for not having the "quick fix" grooming done because they were clearly overwhelmed with the 15 dogs. I think House of Dogs Grooming Halifax should drop the word professional from their sign as they are clearly not.

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    Business Reply September 29, 2015

    This dog was extremely matted, we begged this woman to let us shave the dog as the mats were pulling the skin everywhere, she refused, saying she would brush it out herself. We managed to brush out the head and ears, but there was no way to do anything but shave the body, we charged her nothing for the time involved, two groomers for an hour. When she finally came to pick up the dog, we told her to please let us shave the dog and give it relief if she couldn't brush it out herself. Maybe a mistake, but we also said if the spca saw the dog in that state they would seize it. She freaked, said she used to work for the Cape Breton SPCA, (not something to brag about based on past history), and she vowed to ruin our business. Sadly people read these reviews and never here the business owners side.

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