He started his career with the Land Title Office in July 1969, as a clerk, working his way up through the system, which included: the Head of Survey Department, Acting Chief Clerk and Deputy Registrar.In September of 1988, he moved to the private sector and became a Land Title Agent and Consultant with a title search firm. And in 1999, he moved out on his own, owning and operating Powell Research (1995) LTD.He has extensive experience in the Land Title Office area. His knowledge extends into historical research, survey plan packages and obtaining copies of plans and documents. He is able to help with some of the interpretation and practices of the Land Title Office system, both past and present.Please feel free to contact us anytime, through our contact page.Sincerely,The Staff At, Powell Research (1995) LTD©2011 Powell Research (1995) LTD106-600 Royal Ave. more... See more text