Metta3 Rest Spa
3663 Broadway W, Vancouver, BC V6R 2B8
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Meet the owner

How’s this for an experience? You’re sealed inside a white pod and suspended in water the exact temperature of your body, filled with enough Epsom salts to make you float. There are opening and closing interludes of light and music, but between them you’re in complete darkness and quiet. You experience no touch, no sound, no vision — no external stimulus at all. For one hour, you live a life of the mind. This process is called Restricted Environmental Stimulus Therapy — that’s the “Rest” in Metta³ Rest Spa.

Those who’ve had the experience — commonly called “flotation REST” — speak about its power to lift the emotions, sharpen and expand the mind and even produce revelations. Above all, the treatment is intended to rejuvenate and heal. Metta³ CEO and co-founder Nicole Stratton describes the company vision as “bringing balance to the city, bringing balance to its people…We’re so rushed and bombarded with things to do, places to go, people to see,” she says. “We want to offer a haven for our clients.”

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