Pembina Trails School Division is committed to ensuring that students are perso.11y and intellectually engaged in learnt, opportunities that will help them develop, practice and refine the .1Is requir. to be ccessful while ut sc.°, but more importantly . productive citizens entering the post-secondary world of education and WOlet. TmodEty, the term. 21st Century Leaming is us. when speaking of preparing st dents rope and in North America leaming competencies and .1Is have been identifieud and thfurr intheteg' furatutionsre. m re out= putblic .ucation has been advocated as a way of ensuring students areewdl equipped Exate,ept:Iseot mosed2sicstt rict000dtmyem cosocimeotLKnnzleittridaend innovation is seen as the key input to success.more...See more text