To return the debt you owe right now, so borrow money many times from such loan other companies, payment of interest is increased, the bulge more and more debt is like a snowman, a tough position, but you have.Arose in order to help the multiple debtors such, is referred to as 'your loan together.'Thing together your loan is that of the product in order to unify the loan company of one place the money that was borrowed in various places, to one.Be to one and the have borrowed in various places, it is possible to reduce the monthly payments, you'll be able to pay off soon.Repayment date after that, it was not decided that, since the date on which it is specified, it will be much easier mentally.And, to which you want to borrow money goes in one place, since more money you borrow is concentrated, there is an advantage that the interest rate is lowered.more...See more text