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Business listings in Burnaby-New Westminster

Yellow Pages Canada maintains extensive contact listings for in and about the Burnaby-New Westminster, British-Columbia region. With the most extensive business listings online in Canada, is your first choice for search. If your hometown is Burnaby-New Westminster, discover new independently reviewed companies in your area, with .

Vancouver is home to many expats, adventurous foodies and those wishing to expand their culinary palates – and all of us can benefit from the impressive variety of foods found in our city's international grocery stores. If you're looking to sample some delicious delights from around the world, or trying to locate hard-to-find specialty ingredients, pay a visit to one of these global grocers.
Look gorgeous on your special day, and reveal your glamorous self, with the help of the talented makeup artists at these beauty boutiques. Whether it’s your wedding, graduation or another milestone occasion, here's where to get the flawless look you deserve.
Looking for something fun to do with the family in Vancouver? It's not always easy to pick the right activity that appeals to all ages, but the museums on this list are great for everyone. They involve hands-on learning that will thrill parents and children alike. Check out the options, and breathe a sigh of relief. Problem solved!
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