There’s nothing better than the feeling of climbing into a cozy, warm bed on a frigid winter night. Or, a set of light and airy cotton sheets on a sultry summer evening. There are just so many options and preferences when it comes to bedding and linens. Let these stores guide you to your perfect rest.
It’s often said that “a picture is worth a thousand words.” The message gets lost though, if that picture is set in an ugly frame. Picture framing is an art form in itself and these places in Edmonton have mastered it. Make sure you put your favourite print in the best possible light with these professional picture framers.
Garden centres aren’t just for people with green thumbs. These greenhouses have plenty of appeal for everyone. Come for a meal, shopping or to learn something new!
 When it comes to buying home decor, most people want to find unique pieces to standout from everyone else. In Edmonton, we’re lucky to have so many fantastic shops that carry a wide array of decor pieces for any style of home. So, whether you’re looking to fully redecorate or just add a little pizzazz to your space, check out these hidden gems for unique decor you’re sure to love! [Image credit:]
Our lovable, four-legged friends make life so enjoyable. Dogs greet us with wagging tails and goofy grins. They’re always willing to snuggle and binge watch some Netflix with us (dog-breath and all). No matter what, our puppy-pals are there for us and, in return, they deserve the best. Browse these Edmonton dog trainers to find one that’s just right for your perfect pooch. [Image credit:]
We’ve all heard about Picasso and Van Gogh, painters from half a world away that have made their mark (or brushstroke, shall we say?) on art history. But, contrary to what prestigious curators may tell you, you don’t always have to look far for a creative masterpiece. Find inspiring artwork by Edmonton artists at these locations and see for yourself! [Image credit:]
We all get that feeling – the one that there aren’t enough hours in the day. You get up, go to work, plan your meals, run errands and, by the time you finally sit down, you can’t even bare the thought of doing one more thing. Well, what if I told you that you didn’t have to? These Edmonton businesses can fill in the gaps, giving you more time to do the one thing you NEED to do: Nothing! [Image credit: Arnau]
Your yard is more than just a patch of grass; it’s an extension of your home. It’s where long summer days are spent with friends and where you relax with a cold drink and a good book. Landscaping can improve not only the way it looks, but also its function. Local landscapers offer ways of incorporating natural elements so that your yard is as self-sufficient as it is beautiful. [Image credit: Jacobson]
The Edmonton arts community is filled with artists, artisans and makers of every stripe creating homemade décor, crafts, artwork and textiles. In a digital age overrun by screens and flashy gadgets, handmade goods provide a much-needed return to something tactile and lovingly created by human hands. Support local artists and makers through these local arts and crafts shows.
If you’re looking for a gardener’s paradise, Edmonton has no shortage of quality greenhouses and nurseries to inspire your very own Eden. With an extensive selection of prairie-hardy perennials, trees and shrubs, these garden centres are guaranteed to breathe new life into your backyard. Here are our picks of the best places to find plants.
If you don’t want your dog or cat to destroy your Christmas tree, you better make sure there are some gifts for Fido and Fluffy underneath the tree. Whether you call them your fur babies or not, picking out gifts for your pets can be a fun but challenging experience – it’s not like they can exactly send Santa a wish list! These Edmonton stores sell toys and treats for your family members covered in fur.
A little paint can go a long way toward giving your home a whole new look. But, deciding to paint doesn’t have to mean DIY. With a full spectrum of home painting services available, we’ve got you covered with our pick of the best house painters in Edmonton to get the job done right.
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