The croissant: adored by all, straight from the Magdalen Islands to Montreal! For the sixth year running, we're celebrating this popular pastry with the 2017 Montreal Croissant Festival. To mark the occasion, 96 artisanal pastry chefs will be joining forces on May 6, 2017 to offer you a croissant for just $1. You'd be crazy to miss it! Here are some of the places in Montreal where you can enjoy a taste: [image credit iStock]
Everyone has a love affair with chocolate, and whether you like milk chocolate or dark chocolate (no one sane likes white chocolate), Montreal has you covered on where to satisfy that chocolate craving. Check out these places to find some of the finest chocolates in Montreal![image credit: iStock]
There’s no shortage of gourmet grocery stores popping up around town, which is good news for foodies and lovers of high-quality, local products. This list introduces you to some of the new stores on the block, as well as reminding you about some long-standing establishments where you’re sure to find the local products, or rare, imported foods you need for your next gourmet meal.
Eating healthier may seem like a huge challenge, but shouldn’t be. All you have to do is find the right places to shop to make healthy living easy. Here are some of the city’s top health food stores for anyone looking to start a more nutritious diet.[Image credit:]
From 21 to 29 January 2017, la Tablée des chefs – an organisation whose mission is to provide food to people in need and educate young people in the culinary arts – and Valrhona are teaming up to bring you the Grande tournée du chocolat chaud. Try delectable hot chocolates for $4 each, with 50 cents from each purchase being donated to la Tablée. Here are a few of the Montreal establishments taking part! [Photo: Donat Boivin]
Candy isn’t just for kids! While we may have outgrown some of our childhood candy addictions, there’s always room for a few guilty pleasures to stick around. Here are some of the city’s ultimate candy shops – where even the pickiest sweet tooth is sure to find a satisfying treat.[Image credit: MartA-nez BanAs]
Hiring a five-star catering service can make your Christmas or New Year's Eve dinner a success. Delight your guests with the delectable dishes offered by these amazing caterers, right here in the city.[Image credit:]
Do you want to feel the energy of the City of Light without hopping on a plane? Here are Judith Ritchie’s top picks for the best of Paris in the heart of Montreal! The author of the guide 300 reasons to love Paris, former beauty editor in chief of Elle Québec and all-round globetrotter shares her findings with us. [image credit: Valérie Guerriat]
The croissant is a staple in kitchens all across Quebec, from Montreal to Îles-de-la-Madeleine. So it's only fitting that this perfect pastry would get its very own festival. On April 30, 2016, 75 artisanal pastry chefs are joining forces for the fifth annual Croissant Festival, where croissants of all kinds will be on offer for only $1. Here's where to go to get your fill of flaky, buttery goodness.
Chocolate is a great gift for any occasion (or a great treat while on a date with Netflix – we've all done it). Go the extra mile and treat your special someone with the most decadent of chocolates from these Montreal boutiques.
Whether in print or on television, from molecular to organic, cooking has never been so present in our daily lives. We flip through cookbooks, watch any one of the 163 new cooking competitions on television, experiment at home with new and daring recipes, and even offer gifts when we are invited to dinner. Here are some of the best gourmet addresses in Montreal to satisfy your appetite in all its forms.
With its beautiful houses and tree-lined streets, the Ahuntsic neighbourhood is second to none in Montreal. Diverse and dynamic, its main artery, Fleury Street, has become a veritable shopping destination in what feels like a charming little village. Here are some excellent Ahuntsic places to visit when you stop by.
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