What’s the best part of summer, you ask? Why, shopping for new warm weather gear, of course! Prepare for Vancouver’s rain-free days filled with beach visits, camping, parties and barbecues by visiting these local boutiques, which offer the latest in summer essentials including sandals, bathing suits, sunglasses, towels and more. [Photo credit: iStock.com/GOTO_TOKYO]
Wearing glasses need not be nerdy – nor a nuisance. Next time you need to upgrade your lenses, pay a visit to these independent optical boutiques in Vancouver, where fashion-forward frames, savvy staff and cozy environments combine to make shopping for specs as fun as hunting for a new pair of shoes. [Photo credit: Bailey Nelson]
Despite Vancouver’s reputation as a rainy city, the sun shines often here. The city is well stocked with retailers and optical boutiques carrying a wide variety of brand name sunglasses to suit every budget. Next time you're seeking out a pair of stylish new shades, check out these local eyewear shops that'll keep you looking good while you protect your eyes from the sun's rays. [Photo credit: iStock.com/gilaxia]
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