It’s often said that “a picture is worth a thousand words.” The message gets lost though, if that picture is set in an ugly frame. Picture framing is an art form in itself and these places in Edmonton have mastered it. Make sure you put your favourite print in the best possible light with these professional picture framers.
Book a professional consultation from the experienced and knowledgeable staff. They have the expertise to help you pick out the right frame from one of the most extensive selections in Alberta. Their custom work is of the highest quality and comes with a guarantee. From shadow boxes to picture frames, Dallas has been doing it right since 1982.
This specialty shop has a complete selection of framing options. They mount art and photography, as well as jersey cases and specially-designed shadow boxes for your keepsakes. They also do repair work and canvas stretching. The keen-eyed employees can suggest the proper style from their inventory of 1,500 moulding samples. Kamena Gallery and Frames invites inquisitive art lovers to take a class with them to learn more.
The staff members at Riverbend Art N’ Frame have seen it all in their long history. They have framed the usual stuff from diplomas and collectibles to children’s artwork, and the not so common – like entire wedding dresses and sports jerseys. All work is done in-house, reducing the wait time for customers. Most orders can be filled in a week.
This highly-esteemed store has grown since it opened in 1981. One thing that hasn’t changed is the excellent customer service. It’s adapted to changing trends and tastes to give clients the latest designs and materials in creative custom framing. Their skills earned them the grand prize at the prestigious Larson-Juhl Creative Classic Picture Frame competition, one of the largest in North America.