Window boxes offer an elegant place to grow flowers and plants. They look beautiful from the outside and can also be enjoyed from the inside. Here are eleven ideas for dressing up your windows with flower boxes.
June 23, 2015
Window boxes offer an elegant place to grow flowers and plants. They look beautiful from the outside and can also be enjoyed from the inside. Here are eleven ideas for dressing up your windows with flower boxes.
Every house has windows, so practically every house can have window boxes.
In addition, small vegetables, herbs, and all of the annuals that thrive on decks or patios will work in window boxes.
The most beautiful window boxes include plants that trail over the edges.
Window boxes look best when they're bursting with plants, so keep plants close together.
Dwarf tomatoes or peppers can grow in a sunny spot on your balcony or your windowsill. You can combine them with your favourite herbs, such as compact basil or curly parsley.
If you have a sunny kitchen window, grow herbs such as thyme, chives, parsley, sage or sorrel in your window box, along with leafy lettuce and other salad greens.
Start fresh each season.
In winter, when your window box flowers are finished, fill the boxes with dried flowers from your garden or artificial greenery in muted colours.
You can find window boxes in a range of sizes or build them to fit, but you can't change the size of your windows.
To convert a window box into a mini-greenhouse, bend three or four lengths of coat-hanger wire into U-shaped hoops and push the ends into the soil.
Give fruit crates a second life by using them as window boxes.
Check the sturdiness of the crates before using them to ensure they won't disintegrate when you add the weight of soil and flowers.
Window boxes made of cedar, redwood or other rot-resistant lumber insulate plant roots from heat and cold better than metal or plastic.
Insulate the sunny side.
Keeping the soil cool will promote more vigorous growth.
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