3 tips for post-party clean-up

June 30, 2015

Maybe you just threw a party for a bunch of friends, or perhaps you've just been slacking off on the cleaning front. Make your next clean-up a snap with these easy tips.

3 tips for post-party clean-up

Silver salvage

1. When putting away silverware, wrap each utensil in two layers of plastic wrap to shut out air. Exposure to air causes the oxidation that tarnishes silver. Eating off tarnished silverware is not necessarily dangerous, but if your foods are acidic (like citrus), the tarnish could leech into your food.

Smooth stein

2. So you bought a colourful beer stein on your trip to Germany or to one of the faux German villages so often found in alpine areas here and there. If you're really ambitious, you even occasionally drink from it instead of just letting it gather dust on the mantelpiece. But there's trouble in Löwenbräu City: The stein's lid will barely budge when you exert thumb pressure. What a pickle! Never fear. Simply spray the lid hinge with a multi-purpose lubricant and let it sit for 12 to 15 minutes. Then wipe off the oil with a soft cloth and give the stein a good washing. Now get out the hearty bratwurst and aged Muenster cheese and toast your quick fix with a cool one.

Smoke stain fix

3. When you throw a party and you're tolerant enough to let smoking guests puff away on the patio, you may find cigarette stains on a piece of china as you collect all of the post-party dishes. To make short work of the stains, dip the cork from a wine bottle into salt and use it to scour away the tobacco tar.

Your next after-party clean up will be a breeze with these three easy tips.

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