4 easy lawn alternatives

July 27, 2015

Not all parts of your yard are well suited for grass and creating a beautiful yard without grass is simpler than you might imagine. Before reseeding your lawn, here are four smart alternatives you should consider.

4 easy lawn alternatives

1. What you need to know about mulch

Mulch can attractively cover awkward areas under dense trees or near the street, where salt used to treat icy roads can sour the soil for flowers and shrubs.

  • Adding landscaping fabric before the mulch reduces weed growth.

2. Benefits of hardscape

Hardscape is a practical choice.

  • A deck or patio is a useful alternative for a large area where grass won't grow.
  • Installing a surfaced walk in an area of high traffic will spare the grass and allow it to thrive on either side.

3. How to use ground covers

Ground covers require less maintenance than a lawn.

  • Use these plants in areas that receive little traffic.
  • Nearly any low-growing, spreading plant can be used for ground cover.
  • The thicker and more vigorously a ground cover grows, the less you will need to weed the area and the less watering or other care it will need.
  • When selecting a ground cover, consider the following: height and spread; foliage colour throughout the year; thickness of growth habit; disease resistance; and soil, water and sun needs.
  • You will also need to find out how well the ground cover will coexist with other plants it is near — some types of ground cover are so vigorous they choke out less aggressive plants.
  • Top picks for ground cover include ajuga, hedera, hosta, lily-of-the-valley, pachysandra, spreading juniper and vinca.

4. Easily create a prairie or meadow

If you have a large, open area and don't want to mow, consider planting it as a prairie or meadow.

  • You'll need to kill all the existing vegetation first with a non-selective herbicide or with repeated tilling and pulling.
  • Then plant a wildflower seed mix purchased from a reputable dealer and formulated specifically for your region.
  • Keep the soil moist until the plants have germinated.
  • To maintain your planting, mow each fall.
  • You will need to replant sections each year as one flower or plant takes over too much, as desirable plants die out or as a weed infestation occurs. Still, you'll find natural planting far more interesting than a lawn — and less work.

Areas under large trees, slopes, shady spots north of buildings and baked areas next to sidewalks or drives would be more attractive if planted with a lawn substitute, or landscaped with a decorative and useful hardscape feature. Consider these lawn alternatives and create a beautiful space today!

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