4 quick tips for cleaning knick knacks

July 28, 2015

Dust more, wash less. Or dust less, wash more. Take your pick. If you clean away dust from your glass collection or knick-knacks often, it won't have a chance to turn to sticky grime that will require a more intrusive cleaning job.

4 quick tips for cleaning knick knacks

1. To dust a whole rack of knick-knacks

  • Use a hair dryer or feather duster (real or microfibre) every couple of days — if you're in the habit of using those sorts of tools for dusting.
  • Alternatively, wipe them, one at a time, with a clean microfibre cloth once a week. Either way, you'll probably rarely need to wash them.

2. To wash your knick-knacks

  • Mix a few drops of dishwashing liquid in warm water in a plastic bowl and immerse the knick-knacks, as long as they're made of china, glass, plastic or metal.
  • Use a clean, thick cotton sock, over your hand, as a cleaning mitt. That will get into most crevices.
  • Use an old toothbrush on places that your hand can't reach.
  • Rinse the items well with fresh water and dry with a clean cloth.
  • For an even speedier wash, run your knick-knacks through the dishwasher on the gentlest setting, but only do this for things that you know are robust enough to stand it. If in doubt — don't.

3. To clean cloth items

  • Try the vacuum cleaner first, using the brush or crevice attachment.
  • If that isn't enough, put the articles in a paper bag, add 30 ml (a couple of tbs) of baking soda, shake and then shake some more.
  • Remove the items from the bag and brush or gently vacuum off the bicarbonate of soda.

4. Caution

Don't even think of using soap and water — and especially not the dishwasher — to clean hand painted or antique knick-knacks.

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