A consumer proposal can be a good option if you have debts to pay and want to avoid bankruptcy. Find out the benefits of a consumer proposal and whether it could be the right next step for you.
November 27, 2014
A consumer proposal can be a good option if you have debts to pay and want to avoid bankruptcy. Find out the benefits of a consumer proposal and whether it could be the right next step for you.
A consumer proposal is an arrangement negotiated between yourself and your creditors. It is an alternative to bankruptcy, which is negotiated and filed by a bankruptcy trustee.
For repayment of creditors, a payment plan will be set up.
When you make a consumer proposal, you negotiate the terms of repayment, including reducing the amount owed to your creditors.
Your creditors don’t want you to go bankrupt as it could mean never receiving any money from you.
If your consumer proposal is accepted, accumulation of interest will cease, as will wage garnishments.
Filing for bankruptcy means you’ll get an R9 rating for the next six years on your credit score.
A consumer proposal will give you an R7 score, which will last three years after you finish repaying your debts.
If you set up a debt repayment plan that you can manage, you’ll protect your assets such as your home, car and RRSP.
To ensure a consumer proposal is the right option for you, contact a bankruptcy trustee and set up a meeting.
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