Don't wait to catch the bouquet to savour the sweet scent and beauty of roses. You can plant these top blooms in your very own backyard.
June 19, 2015
Don't wait to catch the bouquet to savour the sweet scent and beauty of roses. You can plant these top blooms in your very own backyard.
Height: 1.5 to 1.8 metres (five to six feet)
Blooms: 10 centimetre (four inch) rosy-pink semi-double flowers.
Bloom time: Mid-season and repeats. This plant was one of the finest bred by the late Dr. Griffith Buck's program at Iowa State University. He wanted roses that could meet the challenge of Midwest gardens — blazing hot summers and frigid winters. Carefree Beauty can blanket your garden with its beautiful fragrance.
Height: Climbs 1.5 to six metres (5 to 20 feet)
Blooms: 7.5 centimetre (three inch) blush-pink double flowers.
Bloom time: All season. This climbing rose is easy to train on a trellis or fence because its canes are light and flexible — just watch out for its large thorns. New Dawn, introduced in 1930, is packed with blooms that have an aroma like ripe peaches. It was the first plant in history to receive a patent.
Height: one metre (three feet)
Blooms: 7.5 centimetre (three inch) ruby-red single flowers.
Bloom time: All season.When it comes to no-muss, no-fuss roses, Knock Out tops them all. Knock Out produces brilliant single blossoms all summer long that are "self-cleaning," which means there's no need for removing ("deadheading") faded flowers to encourage more blooms.
Height: 0.6 to one metre (two to three feet)
Blooms: five centimetre (two inch) bright-pink double flowers.
Bloom time: Midsummer until frost. The Fairy is a small compact shrub rose that forms a mound about one metre (three feet) tall and wide. It's an excellent rose to grow in the perennial garden or in large containers such as a half whiskey barrel. It produces flowers that look like tiny boutonnieres all summer, even if ignored.
Height: 25 to 75 centimetres (10 to 30 inches)
Blooms: 7.5 centimetres (three inches) single or double flowers, depending on variety.
Bloom time: All season.The Flower Carpet series of roses bloom profusely and are among the easiest plants to maintain. These ground cover roses can produce more than 1,000 blooms in a single season, covering an area one metre (three feet) square. They're also beautiful in hanging baskets and pots.
Height: 1.5 to 1.8 metres (five to six feet)
Blooms: 7.5 centimetres (three inches) deep-pink flowers with a splash of white.
Bloom time: Midsummer and repeats. This Canadian rose comes from the popular Explorer Series, bred for extreme cold hardiness. The vigorous rose has a large spread and jaw-dropping clusters of flowers. It brings life to fences and trellises, and has proven suitable for gardens throughout North America.
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