A few tips for controlling carb and sugar cravings

October 9, 2015

Some people have a strong urge to eat — and often overeat — pasta and bread as well as sweets, such as cookies and chocolate. You're not alone and don't blame yourself for lack of willpower.

A few tips for controlling carb and sugar cravings

Fixing the mood, not the food

  • There may be a physical reason you crave starches.
  • Starches raise blood levels of the amino acid tryptophan, which increases production of the feel-good hormone serotonin.
  • Put simply, for some people, eating starch might literally make you happier.
  • Whether it's true or not, you're not a slave to brain chemistry.
  • Here are some ways to calm your cravings:  going outside for some fresh air, visiting a friend, holding a baby, playing with a pet, exercising or enjoying a hobby can all distract you, lift your mood, keep you out of the kitchen and — possibly — chase cravings away.

Fighting food with food

  • When you're driven to eat salty carbs, try getting more calcium from dairy foods or other sources.
  • Studies have found that people with low intakes of this mineral are more prone to salt cravings.

Giving yourself a trigger food

  • If you deny yourself altogether, you may just end up wanting the food more.
  • Eating a moderate amount daily should stave off cravings.
  • Snack sizes are a great way to get your fix without going overboard.

Quitting cravings "cold turkey"

  • For some people, cutting out sugary foods, such as chocolate and cookies, altogether for two weeks makes the cravings for those foods virtually disappear. Try it!
  • Craving food or fluid? Food cravings sometimes indicate a need for fluids. Drink a large glass of water, then wait 10 minutes or so and see if the craving passes.

Although a few salty or sugary treats here and there are okay, a diet based on these foods can be brutal for your long-term health. As with anything, moderation is key.

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