How acupuncture could help your cold

October 6, 2015

No one enjoys suffering from the common cold. Luckily, acupuncture might help by strengthening the immune system and helping to reduce symptoms. Find out if it's right for you.

How acupuncture could help your cold

What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese practice that is used to treat a variety of medical issues, including the common cold, lower back pain, migraines and menstrual cramps.

  • During an acupuncture appointment, the acupuncturist inserts small needles in various points in the body depending on the ailment.
  • According to Chinese medicine, these points are believed to realign the body's natural flow of energy.
  • The acupuncturist will usually leave the needles in the patient's body for 10 to 20 minutes and then remove them once the session is coming to a close.

How does acupuncture help treat a cold?

Patients who receive an acupuncture treatment soon after showing symptoms can fight off their cold in as little as two days with only one or two acupuncture sessions, according to acupuncturists.

  • During these sessions, the acupuncturist will stimulate several points along the body that promote the immune response.
  • This process of helping the body realign its flow of energy is said to fight off the cold faster, while also relieving the accompanying symptoms, such as a sore throat or congestion.
  • The patient may also be encouraged to massage or press these same points themselves to help continue their treatment.

If finding an alternative to over-the-counter cold medications is something you're looking for, acupuncture could help you curb your symptoms this cold season.

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