If you've been diagnosed with diabetes, you might be wondering about the connection between diabetes and heart disease. In this guide, we've answered some common questions to help you understand how the two are related.
Technology and medical advancements have made managing diabetes easier now than ever before. If you have Type 1 diabetes, here's some tips that can make this disease easier to manage.
Information is the best weapon in the fight against Type 2 diabetes. Here are some important facts to know about this disease, and how you can keep it under control.
Type 2 diabetes is a serious disease, and there’s a big payoff when you become proactive about managing it. Here are seven lifestyle changes that could help you manage your diabetes.
A blood glucose test will screen for diabetes, and assess the effectiveness of current treatments. Diabetes can lead to serious complications, so regular screening is important.
Can alternative or natural therapies really help treat diabetes? With this guide you can weigh the evidence for yourself and decide, with your doctor, whether you want to try them.
How diabetics get their insulin has been a question for as long as the disease has been treated. Here are some insulin delivery systems, some that exist and some that are just right around the corner, and how they could help you regulate your diabete
Diabetes can be a stressful disease, both physically and psychology. Follow these tips to tame the tension, relax and breath easier.
A diabetes diagnosis leaves you with a lot of questions. Make sure you ask the right questions to get the right answers: here are the top three you should ask your doctor.
You can live a full and healthy life with type 1 diabetes. Innovative treatments and expert medical care will help you control your symptoms, and manage your diabetes successfully.
Diabetes and depression are both serious diagnoses. But, when combined, they can be life-threatening—here's what you should know.
The feet are vulnerable to the ravages of diabetes. The extremities can get severely damaged if the condition is not kept in check. Here are some tips to keep your feet healthy.
Losing weight is a key factor in reducing your risk for type two diabetes. Here are 5 exercises that target the lower body and will help beat diabetes.
For people living with diabetes, the three-meal-a-day plan just won't cut it. To keep your blood sugar steady and avoid those roller coaster highs and lows, healthy snacks need to be part of the program. You can still have a goodie that's good for yo
A diabetes diagnosis can be overwhelming. If you're unsure how to break the news to family and friends, here's straightforward advice to get you started.
Diabetes drugs can save your life—but they come with side-effects—and there are many to choose from. Be informed, know your options, and make the best choice for you.
Diabetics find themselves at the doctor's office quite frequently, but they don't always leave with the information they need. Here's three questions to ask yourself before heading to the doctor.
Finding relief from diabetic neuropathy can be difficult. But with these few questions, you could discover some ways to reduce your pain and help you feel better.
Pumpernickel bread is a delicious grain, ideal for a diabetic diet. Here's everything you need to know about the healthy bread, including some delicious ways to add it to your diet.
Studies have long hinted that people who struggle with sleep are top candidates for developing diabetes. But, until recently, no one was sure just how much getting too little shut-eye can mess up your metabolism and raise your risk for developing the
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