A wood burning stove might be the right heating solution for your home. Here's everything you need to know about wood burning stoves, before you make a decision.
It is said that wood is a fuel that can warm many times: when it is gathered, split and stacked, and again when it is burned. This sums up the virtues of heating by wood — healthy exercise, comforting warmth and the old-fashioned pleasure of a wood f
There is nothing cozier than sitting in front of the fireplace on a crisp winter's night. But a fireplace needs regular cleaning to function properly. These tips will show you how to maintain your fireplace, as well as choose a fire extinguisher for
The most important thing about heating your home with a wood stove is learning to use it properly. Here are some tips to get you started.
A fireplace can be an excellent feature in any home. Here's what you need to know about building an efficient fireplace.
There is a great variety of wood-burning stoves on the market and it pays to take time in choosing the best stove to suit your particular requirements. The following guidelines will point you in the right direction.
A passive solar house is one designed to take advantage of the sun's rays to stay warm in winter and cool in summer. These tips will help you learn how to modify your home to a low-energy lifestyle so you can save money in the long run.
Heating is usually one of the biggest energy consumers in any house and can represent a major expense. The good news is that there are plenty ways to heat your home in a cost-effective and eco-friendly way.
Solar hot water systems are now the most practical way for the average homeowner to take advantage of the sun's energy. Depending on where you live, the potential savings on energy bills can be very large indeed. Here's what you need to know before d
Wood-burning stoves keep you cozy in the frigid winter months, but they also require a fair bit of maintenance. Perform the following practices regularly to keep your wood stove in prime condition.
The key to finding quality firewood seems simple enough, find a tree cut it down, right? It's not always so straight forward. Here are some helpful strategies to find the right timber.
Using wood as fuel can be an energy and cost saving move, but finding the right quality of firewood to burn is essential. These tips will help your supply stay dry and burn more efficiently.
Keeping your home warm in winter relies on your forced-air system so it is important to care for it. The following simple tips will keep it ship shape.
Everyone loves the sight of a fire burning away on a cold winter’s day. A factory-made fireplace gives you get the benefits without the inconvenience.
The chances are that your carbon footprint is too large, and there are always easy ways to make it smaller. Check out these great tips to reduce your energy consumption. You'll help the environment and save yourself some cash!
Combination storm screens play an important role in conserving heat and keeping your home dry and insulated. Check out these simple steps to make sure your screens are in tip-top shape.
Not all energy-saving projects are equally cost effective. Some are expensive and take years to recoup the savings. You can make your utility dollars go the furthest by evaluating all your options before committing to any major expenditures.
Space heaters can supplement a central air system, or they can be the main heat source in areas that have short, mild winters. Here are some helpful tips for choosing a space heater that is perfect for your home.
A clean air conditioner is an efficient air conditioner. Follow these steps to keep your AC unit working at its best.
Keeping cool in the summer is hard enough without a broken air conditioning unit. But with the right knowhow, you could spot the problem and get back to staying cool much faster.
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