Most kitchens operate as powerhouses of storage, containing many household essentials. Keep kitchen cupboards clean and tidy so that things kept in there are easy to find and ready to use.
A clean, well-maintained oven can last for many years. Here are some clever tips for keeping your oven clean that may not be obvious.
Tips to clean the kitchen sink and walls.
The kitchen is the room with the most potential for accumulating grease and spills. However, if you get into the habit of a daily cleaning routine, you can keep your kitchen clean without using harsh commercial products.
You're in the kitchen multiple, whether to whip up a quick meal or to entertain guests. Here's how to keep it clean and inviting.
Ahh, the luxurious feel of carpet underfoot. Whether yours is brand new or has been part of your home for years, follow these cleaning tips and you can be sure it’ll last many more.
Stairs are an important part of your home and take a lot of daily use and abuse. But the chore of getting them clean doesn't have to be that hard with these tips.
A specialized housecleaning and organization routine can help turn daunting chores into a manageable and even enjoyable task.
If you're looking to cut down housekeeping chores, these are things you can do to reduce the mess without wasting too much of your time.
Here are some tips to make more efficient use of your time when tackling common household chores.
Here is a systematic approach to cleaning your house from the attic to the basement, and throughout all the other rooms. These tips will help you work smarter, without much effort, for results that shine!
We spend a lot of time on our upholstered furniture, so it's no wonder it gets dirty. Here's everything you need to know to maintain your upholstery.
When a stain happens, and they always do, you need to know what to do quickly to minimize the damage. Follow these top tips for removing stains naturally from clothes, carpets and furniture.
Nothing puts the damper on a celebration as quickly as red wine spilled on a light sofa, carpet or table cloth, but quick action and knowing what to do can quickly restore the party mood.
Sitting right in your cupboard are surprising stain removers that make cleaning a breeze. Ditch common harsh chemicals for these simple and safe alternatives.
Try these inexpensive, simple ways to use your small home's space more effectively.
Home offices never seem to have enough space, but you can get more out of yours by using these simple techniques.
By organizing your kid's closet, you can help establish the basics for a tidier room and get them to keep it clean on their own. Here's a bit of know-how to achieve that goal.
Dealing with a closet stuffed with things that will never be worn? Here are some simple steps to take your closet from chaos to clutter-free in a single weekend.
Tired of all the jumble? Tripping over heaps of whatnot? Aggravated by junk-filled drawers? Then clearly you're ready to put your house in order. Here are 6 secrets to a decluttered home.
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