Dealing with blepharitis

July 10, 2015

Blepharitis is an itchy, inflammation of the eyelids and in addition to being uncomfortable, it can also cause vision problems. Here are some tips to help treat it!

Dealing with blepharitis

Simple home remedies

For crusty and itchy eyelids, try this gentle cleaning option. Soak a washcloth in clean hot water — as hot as you can stand without scalding yourself. Hold it over your eyelid for 5 to 10 minutes. Then use diluted baby shampoo to clean the edges of your lids — the lower one first — with a cotton swab or cotton ball. Repeat at least twice a week.

If blepharitis makes your eyes feel dry and sore, try lubricating them with artificial tears or lubricating ointment. Ask your doctor for advice if you have an associated condition, such as eczema; also see your doctor if you suspect infection or if the condition is really troublesome — you may need an antibiotic ointment or oral antibiotics.

Dealing with blepharitis

  • Maintain careful hygiene at all times, and wash your face and hair every day.
  • Never rub your eyes with your fingers.
  • If you wear contact lenses, be scrupulous about keeping them clean and discuss the problem with your eye doctor.
  • If you have dandruff, use an anti-dandruff shampoo.
  • Avoid eye makeup, or at least try changing to a hypoallergenic brand.
  • Always wash your hands before touching makeup or moisturizers.
  • Limit your intake of saturated fats and take fish oil supplements.
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