How to prevent and get rid of an eye stye

November 24, 2014

If you're suffering from the pain and discomfort of a stye, here are a few helpful tips to help and get rid of it and prevent your eye from getting one again.

A swollen eye is not only uncomfortable, but can also hinder your vision. Here is what you need to know about stye causes and how to get rid of one.

How to prevent and get rid of an eye stye

What is a stye?

A stye refers to the external swelling of the eyelid due to a bacterial infection of an eyelash or a gland. It's a rather common form of eye infection in adults. If you have never had a stye or are unsure whether you currently have one developing, some common symptoms include: eyelid redness, swelling and formation of one or more eyelid lumps that are tender to the touch.

Stye prevention

To reduce chances of bacterial infection, it's important to maintain proper hygiene. Here are a few tips to keep your eyes clean:

  • Get enough sleep to allow your eyes to rest;
  • Wash your eyes before and after sleep with warm water;
  • Thoroughly remove any makeup before you go to bed;
  • Apply warm compresses several times a week to your eyes.

How to get rid of a stye

The good news is that, with time, your stye will probably clear up spontaneously, similarly to a regular pimple. However, you can speed up the process by trying the following remedies:

  1. If there is an eyelash in the centre of the stye, consider removing it.
  2. Apply a warm compress to the affected area, taking care not to overheat the lid.
  3. Gently clean the margins of your eyelid, paying special attention to the affected area.
  4. Carefully apply an anti-bacterial ointment to the swollen lid.

If the stye persists or continues to discharge, give your local optometrist a call for an antibiotic prescription or a referral to a surgeon.

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