15 clever tips to help you prepare for a plane ride

October 15, 2014

All airlines have cut back in-flight services, but with some planning air travel can be fun. Here are fifteen tips to help you prepare for a plane ride you'll never forget.
Air travel is fun, but it can be full of surprises if you’re unaware of the services that are available (or not) and the wait times to expect. It can be especially trying if you’ve got a less-expensive ticket that includes one or more stopovers. If you do a bit of planning and prepare for your plane ride, the whole experience will be a lot less frustrating.

Prepare for your plane ride well in advance

  1. Shop carefully for your tickets. Study the services offered by each airline and make sure you know how many stopovers you’ll have on the way to your destination.
  2. If the airline allows it, reserve your seat in advance; if you have children, you’ll want to make sure you can sit side by side.
  3. Gather together all the necessary documents, including: passport, local currency or traveller’s cheques, visa papers for entry into a foreign country, and copies of your hotel and car rental reservations.
  4. Make sure your immunization is all up to date; if not, get any vaccination shots you may need.
  5. Find out about the carry-on and checked luggage allowances for the airlines you’ll be using. Most of them have size and weight restrictions, and many now charge a fee for every bag you check. You don’t want to have to reorganize your bags at the airport or pay extra baggage fees.
  6. If you’re travelling with children, enquire about taking strollers and car seats on board. If you’re travelling with a pet, make sure you know the proper procedures for crating and checking in your animal.
  7. Arrive early at the airport.

Having a pleasant flight

8. Keep any medicine you might need in your hand luggage. Make sure all liquids are contained in small bottles that meet airport security requirements.

9. Take a small toiletries bag with you on the plane so you can freshen up while you travel; be sure to remove any prohibited objects before you go through security. Bring along wet wipes for your hands, a tooth brush, and eye drops for the dry air in the plane. If you have young children, don’t forget diapers, baby bottles and a change or two of clothes.

10. Dress comfortably. Bring a warm sweater, because it’s usually chilly in airplanes flying at high altitudes.

11. If you want to sleep during the trip, bring a travel pillow, eye mask and earplugs. Bring gum to prevent blocked ears during takeoff.

12. Most economy airlines no longer provide free meals. Bring your own healthy snacks or meals, and drink plenty of water before and during the flight.

13. Bring along some toys and entertainment to keep children occupied: DVDs and a mini player; stuffed animals; books; puzzles; MP3 player; magazines and crosswords. Make sure your electronic devices are fully charged.

14. Get up and move around from time to time during the flight. Sitting too long isn’t good for your blood circulation.

15. Sleep if you can, especially if you’re tired from packing. Keep in mind that the best way to prepare for a plane ride is to be in top shape before you leave.

Have a good trip!

15 clever tips to help you prepare for a plane ride
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