These are some steps to take if a dog, wasp or involuntary muscle spasm strikes. But remember: knowing when to call emergency services is equally important.
July 28, 2015
These are some steps to take if a dog, wasp or involuntary muscle spasm strikes. But remember: knowing when to call emergency services is equally important.
Wasps can sting more than once, unlike bees, but they can also carry venom that can cause serious allergic reactions. If you experience symptoms other than localized inflammation, swelling and itching, seek medical help. But for a simple sting, try the following:
For additional relief, you can also try:
All dog bites pose an infection risk, and the most savage may cause severe lacerations, tendon and nerve damage — even broken bones. Treat the bleeding and watch for shock.
Most cramps are brief episodes of intense pain that occurs when muscles go into involuntary spasm. You need to stretch the affected muscles to reverse the effect. Drink plenty of fluids if you're prone to cramping, as this can help to prevent it.
It's important to know when to call a doctor for any medical emergency, but you should also know how to treat some things yourself. It could not only offer immediate relief, you could help save a life.
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