Get the scoop on the origins and benefits of Zumba

October 15, 2014

Have you been hearing a lot about Zumba lately? It’s an increasingly popular workout that’s offered at gyms and yoga centres. You've heard about it, but don’t really know what it is? Here’s what you need to know about the origins and benefits of Zumba.

Zumba: origins and benefits

Zumba first appeared in Colombia in the 1990s—by accident. That’s right! Fitness trainer Alberto Perez forgot his aerobics class music CDs, so he improvised a workout for his students using Latin rhythms. The formula was a huge success and has branched out to nearly 100 countries around the world. And with good reason: besides being lots of fun, Zumba is good for your health.

  • It increases muscle tone and cardiovascular endurance.
  • It burns lots of calories.
  • It improves coordination, flexibility, fluidity of movement and balance.
  • It’s a great way to relax and have fun.

But what exactly is Zumba?

Zumba is a mix of Latin dance steps and aerobics that uses all of the body’s muscles. A Zumba class involves replicating a variety of dance steps from salsa, merengue, bachata, samba, flamenco, hip hop and more. Classes are guided by dynamic instructors who love to groove with the rhythm of the feverish music along with their students.

What equipment is required?

All you need to take part in a Zumba class is comfortable workout clothes and a good pair of running shoes. In other words, it's a very affordable activity. Oh, and don’t forget your water bottle and an exercise towel—you'll definitely need those.

Are you made for Zumba?

Do you like to wiggle your hips, spin, jump and sweat? Then you’ll love Zumba. You don’t know how to dance? No worries; you don’t have to copy the movements perfectly to enjoy the health benefits, and everyone is encouraged to progress at their own pace. A Zumba class is a great opportunity to learn to dance, develop your sense of rhythm and be a little more graceful.

Are there any deterring factors?

Zumba classes are usually tailored to different age groups, ranging from children to seniors. In general, pretty much anybody can do a Zumba workout.

However, people who suffer from chronic joint pain or heart problems should consult a health professional before enrolling. Because lots of jumping is involved, pregnant women should also seek medical advice if they want to attend Zumba classes.

Fun for sure

Now you know all about the origins and benefits of Zumba. So, when do your classes start? One thing’s for sure: if you succumb to the temptation of Zumba classes, you’ll go home with a smile on your face.

Get the scoop on the origins and benefits of Zumba
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