Is there a cure for viruses during winter?

July 25, 2014

Sure, we all know a few home remedies for dealing with colds, but is there a cure for viruses during winter? Even though the flu vaccine can be a solution, adopting good health practices remains the most effective way to protect yourself from winter illnesses. Read on to find out more.

A bad case of the flu

The flu is contagious and is spread from person to person through particles in the air. If you inhale any infectious airborne particles and your immune system isn’t up to snuff, you’ll catch whatever it is that’s going around. The most common symptoms are fever, chills, runny nose, a frequent cough, and aching muscles. Even though it doesn’t pose a serious risk to healthy adults, the flu can cause complications in the elderly or in people with chronic conditions, such as heart disease or respiratory problems.

The dreaded cold

On average, a healthy adult catches two to four colds per year. Most of the time, this occurs in the winter, or sometimes in the fall and spring; it happens less frequently in the summer. Cold sufferers have to be patient, as symptoms usually take at least a week or two to disappear.

Symptom relief

Taking a good decongestant or some aspirin, using a humidifier, and getting plenty of sleep can help relieve the discomfort of a cold. Drinking lots of water also helps to thin secretions. If the flu or a cold is accompanied by a sore throat, lozenges sold in pharmacies may reduce the soreness. A doctor should be consulted if there is a persistent fever.

Protect your health

Are you wondering if there is a cure for viruses during winter? Here are some things to focus on so you can avoid catching the flu or a cold—or avoid spreading them if you’re already suffering.

  1. Check with a healthcare professional to determine if vaccination is a viable solution for you.
  2. Stay away from sick people. If you’re sick, avoid close proximity with others. If possible, stay home. Entrust your errands to someone else so as not to spread the virus to strangers.
  3. Still wondering, “Is there a cure for viruses during winter?” There may not exactly be a cure, but frequent hand washing is a sure way to keep illness at bay. Wash hands often with soap and water or an alcohol-based disinfectant. Remember that germs are usually caught by people who come into contact with an object contaminated with germs and then touch their eyes, nose, or mouth.
  4. Lastly, be sure to rest as much as possible. This puts all the chances on your side for staying healthy this winter. Embrace an active lifestyle, find ways to better manage your stress, and eat healthy and nutritious foods.

Have a great winter!

Is there a cure for viruses during winter?
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