As common as headaches are, sometimes it's hard to pinpoint their exact cause. If you've ever had a headache in the area near the back of your head, here are three possible reasons for your discomfort and what may have triggered it.
September 2, 2014
As common as headaches are, sometimes it's hard to pinpoint their exact cause. If you've ever had a headache in the area near the back of your head, here are three possible reasons for your discomfort and what may have triggered it.
Experience may have taught you that headaches accompany only serious conditions – like when you have the flu or injure your head, right? But chances are you've had minor headaches more often in your lifetime than only when you've been sick.
As common as headaches are, pinpointing their exact cause can be hard. However, narrowing down the cause of the pain if it's localized to a specific area (like the back of the head) is much easier. In that case, here are three common causes.
Tension headaches are very common, thanks to the typical, stressful lifestyle many individuals lead today.
Believe it or not, your daily water intake, or lack of, may cause pain in the back of your head.
Like all parts of our body, the head is innervated so we can sense our environment and respond to touch or pain.
There are many other much more serious conditions that manifest similar symptoms as these types of headaches. If your headaches persist, make an appointment with your doctor immediately. Although headaches usually resolve with perhaps only a bit of over-the-counter intervention, they should not be taken lightly.
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