What causes body itching and how do I treat it?

November 23, 2014

Body itching is quite normal, but what causes it? Find out why you may have an itch and how to treat it.

What causes body itching and how do I treat it?

What causes body itching?

A body itch can be localized on just one area of the skin, or may be felt over the entire body. Medically, itching is known as pruritus, and can be caused by a number of things. Occasional body itching happens to all of us and is no cause for concern. Chronic body itching, however, can be extremely annoying, uncomfortable, and painful to the person experiencing this problem. And it can actually be indicative of a more serious health problem.

Body itching can start as a small itch, but once scratched, it can actually become worse from the scratching, leading to a vicious circle of itching and scratching. Too much scratching can aggravate the body and cause it to release histamines, which cause swelling that stimulates nerves ending and, in turn, causes more itching.

Symptoms of irregular body itching

  • The constant need to scratch one's body to stop an uncomfortable sensation on the skin.
  • The feeling of having something crawling on, or in, your skin, making you want to scratch the surface of your skin to rid yourself of this feeling.
  • Body itching can feel like a tickle or like a burning, prickly sensation

Symptoms can be associated with

  • bumps, blisters, spots or hives
  • redness
  • rash
  • dry flaky skin

Causes of body itching

  • Allergens (pet dander/food/pollen/reaction to drug)
  • Bug bites
  • Poison Ivy/Oak/Sumac
  • Dry skin
  • Diseases and conditions (eczema, psoriasis, kidney disease, diabetes, jaundice)
  • Emotions
  • Infections
  • Exercise
  • Pregnancy (skin stretching)
  • Clothing (wool)

Treatment for body itching

There are a number of treatments that can help stop body itching, depending on the cause of the itching. If itching is caused by allergies, antihistamines are the preferred method of treatment. Topical creams are often used to help provide relief to chronic itching. Some body itch sufferers swear by natural alternatives like fresh lemon juice, which contains anti-inflammatory and anesthetic properties.

How to prevent body itching

  • Do not take hot baths - instead, take lukewarm showers
  • Use gentle soaps only
  • Pat skin dry after bath or shower - do not rub skin
  • Moisturize with quality skin creams containing oatmeal
  • Use a humidifier in your home
  • Wash clothing in mild, unscented laundry detergent
  • Apply calamine lotion to help provide itch relief
  • Apply cool, wet compresses
  • Talk to your doctor about trying antihistamines and/or steroid creams to provide itch relief
  • Avoid scratching itchy skin if at all possible
  • If you must scratch, rub or press on the itch with the palm of your hand

Follow these simple tips, and prevent uncomfortable body itching before it even starts.

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