Many health care practitioners, such as Chiropractors, massage therapists, physiotherapists who practice acupuncture only as adjunct therapy to their primary therapies. Most of these health care professionals have taken only weekend or intense acupuncture courses (220 hours), Dr. Huang received 5 years (5400 hours) of formal acupuncture training at Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine in China. She has been practising acupuncture for 23 years both in China and in Canada. Acupuncture is our primary form of treatment for various health conditions. We take pride in making tremendous changes in our patients' life. A comprehensive diagnosis is clearly communicated to you. We take our time with you: 1.5 hours in the first visit and 60 minute follow-ups. We educate you about what's wrong, why and how it can be healed according to Chinese medical principles. When you get acupuncture treatments, at no extra charge, we also give nutritional counselling. Insurance Accepted.more...See more text