Acupuncture clinic in Orford & in Montreal Quebec
Acupuncturist since 1997, Sean Laflamme helps with patient awareness as to how they themselves can participate in improving their energy. Well versed in qigong, Chinese dietetics and herbal medicine, he is capable of making recommendations according to Chinese Medicine.
Sean has travelled extensively to the United States as well as to China to deepen his knowledge and his practices. Here is a short resumé of his credentials:
Certified acupuncturist, member of l’Ordre des acupuncteurs du Québec (Canada); DTCM (China), Doctorate in Traditional Chinese Medicine, from the Beijing Western Medical Qigong Science and T.C.M. Research Institute (China); DMQ (China), Doctorate in Medical Qigong, from the International Institute of Medical Qigong (USA) and the Beijing Western Medical Qigong Science and T.C.M. Research Institute (China); Certified member of the National Qigong Association (USA); ANPQ membermore...See more text