
Products and Services

  • Sandwiches,
  • Salads,
  • Soup,
  • Satay,
  • Vietnamese Sandwiches,
  • Lunch,
    • Epicerie,
    • Counter Service,
    • Baked Goods,
    • Restaurant,
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Languages Spoken

  • English,
  • French,
255, rue Saint-Viateur O, Montréal, QC H2V 1Y1
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Opening Hours *Holiday hours

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  • < $10,

Meet the owner

Sometimes inspiration comes from the most unexpected places. That’s the case for Michael Levy, owner of Bánh Mì Bành Yiu, an eclectic new sandwich bar in Mile End.

“When I was living down in New York City, I didn’t have a lot of time or money before my shift to get a meal,” recalls Michael. “So my co-worker suggested a place where I could get something quick, fresh and inexpensive. She gave me directions to this place that I would never have found on my own and said to grab a Banh Mi and take whatever they give you. I was amazed. Fresh baguette, homemade mayonnaise, fresh veggies, pickled veggies, cilantro, chillies and protein. I thought it was a really cool concept, and I just knew this has to be a thing in Montreal.”

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Editor’s Pick
Montreal’s best new restaurants to try in 2017

Montreal’s best new restaurants to try in 2017

The Plateau started 2017 by welcoming a new banh mi joint on Saint Viateur, which is serving up the classic Vietnamese-style sandwiches on crusty French bread. The amusingly named Bánh Mì Bành Yiu offers the standard pork and chicken sandwiches, as well as some deviations, including satay chicken and avocado pâté, out of a small storefront near Saint Viateur Bagel. For those looking for a quick and cheap meal, a sandwich here costs $6.

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