CSM Studio

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  • #shoplocalonline,
5200, rue Clark, Montréal, QC H2T 2V2
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Meet the owner

Scott Meleskie’s background in advertising inspired him to open Clark Street Mercantile — a gentlemen’s boutique store — in 2013. “I was interested in up and coming brands,” he says. “I had a couple of blogs on fashion and new ideas, so there was always the thought of having a shop that would show-case new products.” At the same time, he had noticed a limited range of menswear around Montreal, a lot of stores stocking a lot of similar items — and not what he was looking for.

“I had worked in advertising for almost ten years and I was getting bored,” he tells me. “The 9-5 life was really 9-9 and I wanted a change, so in December 2012 I quit.”

He had not expected to start the new venture so quickly. “My idea was to work freelance for a while, gathering funds and working on branding,” he says. “This opportunity arose by happenstance around the 27th December. I was walking by with my wife and saw this place boarded up. It was an ideal location but it took over a month to get in touch with the owner. I had the place from February.”

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Appears in 2 Smart Lists

Editor’s Pick
The best of men’s fashion in Montreal

The best of men’s fashion in Montreal

Located in the Mile End, Clark Street Mercantile is a treat to discover. Entering this store is like entering a museum. Among the works of art and antiques, you’ll fall in love with clothes from exclusive and unfamiliar brands like École de pensée, Portuguese Flannel, Atelier de l’armée, Loreak Mendian and more, for the quality of their workmanship, their unique materials and their elegant cuts. Then turn to the shoes, accessories, books, stationery and even skin care products. Impossible not to fall in love!

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Shops to give your man a makeover in Montreal

Montreal is full of small boutiques and treasures to rebuild your man's wardrobe from scratch. From the decor to the selection of brands and clothing styles, these independent shops have been designed by men for men, no doubt. If he does not discover these Montreal shops on his own, you'll have to bring him over. He'll thank you later!

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