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4274, rue Notre-Dame O, Montréal, QC H4C 1R6
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Meet the owner

Chez Lavigne is more than just a gathering place for the wine lovers of Montreal's St-Henri neighbourhood. Since March 11, 2016, it's also been the second home of proud owners Eric Bernard and Catherine Tremblay. Eric, with a background in marketing, is responsible for the daily running of the place. As for Catherine, as an experienced sommelier, she mainly deals with the wine list. Together, they form a strong duo, creating a unique restaurant and bar with Chez Lavigne.

"We set up in St-Henri, where my family lives. It's a neighbourhood that I know like the back of my hand," says Eric. It was their shared passion for wine that prompted Eric and Catherine to open their own bar. "We picked the décor to suit, but also the name. Lavigne is an old name that also refers to the wine," says the manager as he sits in Chez Lavigne's warm decor that truly reflects the spirit and passion of the owners.

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Editor’s Pick
Delicious picks for MTLàTABLE 2017

Delicious picks for MTLàTABLE 2017

This St-Henri establishment puts fruits front and centre on their MTLàTABLE menu. Begin your meal with a Jerusalem artichoke and blue crab soup or roasted eggplant served with pine nuts. Continue with a choice of grilled mackerel with pumpkin and pears or roasted guinea fowl confit with rutabaga, beans and blueberries. To finish it off, choose between profiteroles served with strawberries, blueberries and chocolate sauce or the maple aspic with creme fraiche and apples. - 31$

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